Our guidelines

A golf ball rolling to the hole

The World Tournament Players Organization (WTPO World of Sports) is an independent multi-member organization with numerous membership categories such as sport clubs, sport fans, and a Sport Union, for all male and female professional and amateur sports individuals worldwide. Founded by professionals, for professionals.

Let's take action and stand together for athletes around the world

World of sports have teams and individual sport personalities, everyone has the same rights not to be isolated or divided.

Freedom of Organization
All athletes, regardless of gender, have the right to independent and collective representation in all matters of common interest.

Right to Organize
All athletes, regardless of gender have the right to join the World tournament players organization and to have their individual and collective rights maximized and protected.

These guidelines with the WTPO Declaration is protected and grounded in international law.

Obtain player’s reasonable share of the business and sponsorship activities and the agreements written within the sports sector.

Athletes have the right to share fairly in the economic activity and wealth of their chosen sport, as players/members they have contributed to creating, economic growth today and for the future.

Professional athletes must be offered wages and working conditions that allow more players to afford to be as good as possible at their chosen sport and to make a living.

Athletes need to have access to more opportunities outside of sports to earn income and educate themselves for the future after their sports career is over.

WTPO members should be entitled to a proper pension plan and benefits.

Athletes have the right to freedom of opinion, speech and association.

These guidelines with the WTPO Declaration is protected and grounded in international law.

Protect and contribute to the best vision for the structure of sport globally

Sport events must utilize all appropriate safety and security measures for the protection of both players, sponsors, volunteers and fans.

Athletes must be able to participate in sports free from corruption. It must be fought at all levels from sports organizations to competition organizers and athletes in a professional manner where athletes are protected within international laws and fundamental rights.

Athletes must have a fair anti-doping program, administered by licensed independent personnel and must be fully supported to exercise their due process rights to challenge positive test.

Athletes needs to have safe facilities and equipment for training and practice regardless of where they are in the world.

SPORT System
Athletes should have influence over the structure and development of the sport which enables them to collectively create added value for all athletes within their sport without influence from outsiders or their own organisation.

Competition and event CERTIFICATION
WTPO will approve organization, agents and organizers for certification that they comply with our requirements and treat WTPO's members with respect and create fair competitions or events around the World.

The WTPO is committed to the long-term economic and climate sustainability and growth of the sport and its members. WTPO assets are owned by the members or companies owned by WTPO

WTPO members have the right to integrity, privacy and protection in relation to the collection, storage and transmission of personal data. WTPO members have the right to have their names, images, likenesses and performances protected. A player's name, image and performance may only be used commercially with the members/persons free, informed consent.

These guidelines with the WTPO Declaration is protected and grounded in international law.