A golf ball rolling to the hole

What is WTPO?

The World Tournament Players Organization (WTPO) World of Sports is a global organization that operates in 9 regions worldwide, including Africa, Asia, EU, Nordic Region, North America, Oceanic, South America, UK, and Other. Its primary goal is to promote and provide support to athletes, coaches, sports professionals, and sports fans across diverse disciplines. WTPO serves as a platform for business opportunities, networking, professional growth, advocacy, and collaboration within the sports industry on a global scale.


Thank you for consider to becoming a member of the World Tournament Players Organization (WTPO) World of Sports. Here is an expanded explanation of why you should be a member.

  1. Business opportunities: Being a member of the WTPO can provide you with access to potential business opportunities within the sports industry. This could include partnerships, sponsorships, endorsements, or collaborations with other members or organizations affiliated with the WTPO.
  2. Networking opportunities: Membership in the WTPO allows you to connect with a diverse network of athletes, coaches, sports fans, and entrepreneurs. This network can be valuable for building relationships, exchanging ideas, and exploring potential collaborations or career opportunities.
  3. Professional development: The WTPO offers resources and programs to support the professional development of its members. This could include workshops, seminars, training sessions, or educational materials that help enhance your skills, knowledge, and expertise in your chosen field within the sports industry.
  4. Exclusive events and tournaments: As a member, you may have the opportunity to participate in exclusive events and tournaments organized by the WTPO. These events can provide valuable exposure, experience, and recognition within the sports community, as well as the chance to compete against other talented athletes.
  5. Advocacy and representation: The WTPO serves as a platform to advocate for the rights and interests of athletes, coaches, and sports professionals. By being a member, you contribute to a collective voice that can influence policies, regulations, and decisions that impact the sports industry, ensuring that your concerns and perspectives are represented.
  6. Access to resources and support: The WTPO provides members with access to a range of resources that can support their endeavors in the sports industry. This could include research materials, industry reports, legal advice, career counseling, mentorship programs, and even financial assistance for athletes.
  7. Brand association and credibility: Being a member of the WTPO can enhance your personal brand and credibility within the sports industry. It demonstrates your commitment to professionalism, ethics, and excellence in your chosen sport or field, which can be valuable for attracting potential sponsors, partners, or opportunities.

Overall, membership in the WTPO World of Sports can provide you with numerous benefits, including business opportunities, networking opportunities, professional development resources, exclusive events, advocacy, access to resources and support, as well as brand association and credibility within the sports industry.

When was WTPO started?

The WTPO was formally established in 2022.

Who is behind WTPO?

Golf Professional and former Ryder Cup player Jarmo Sandelin is the initiator with pronounced support from a number of internationally successful sport professionals and experts.

Can I, who is already a member of another sport organization, become a member?

Yes. WTPO is an independent sport organization that complements other organizations.

How do I become a member?

Under the "Become a member" tab, fill in and submit the information. WTPO will then return with complete member information and instructions.

What do I get?

The opportunity to take part of all WTPO activities and benefits.

How much does it cost?

When your application is approved, you choose the type of membership. Annual membership fee varies between EUR 50-500 per year.

When to expect the first WTPO event?

WTPO will arrange a regional member event when a region reaches 156 members.

Describe the pension plan.

Every region will implement a retirement scheme that operates on a WTPO point system, where each member earns points for their contributions to the organization.

Number of WTPO members?

We will publish the number of members starting with year-end 2024 and every six months thereafter.

How are the members distributed geographically?

We will publish the number of members per geographical region from year-end 2024 and every six months thereafter.

When is the first global annual member meeting?

The first WTPO global annual meeting will be webcasted the first half of 2024.